My autumn favourite veggie is definitely the PUMPKIN, all kind of shapes and varieties. As soon as the pumpkins appear on the market shelves I’m like ” oh my God, Pumpkins”, but my family is like ” oh God noooo” and that is so simple because everything my mind is thinking is recipes made out of pumpkins like, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie (well, this one at least is a family favourite), pumpkin cookies etc…
Everything started a few years back, when my kids were grown enough to understand Halloween and when I ‘d decided to buy a pumpkin to carve it. Since the pumpkin was huge and so beautiful I did not want to throw it away so I’ve decided to cut it and store it in zip bags to use it in cooking.
From that moment on, decorating Halloween pumpkins became a family tradition and you can imagine my excitement that no one is complaining why I buy a pumpkin every end of October, because after all, it is needed for Halloween. (but you will keep my secret right? ).
Every year, in October, in my house there are a lot of pumpkin recipes like pumpkin soup, stuffed zucchini flowers, cookies, tarts etc… To make a new recipe out of our yearly routine, last year I’ve tried a different recipe, better saying a new kind of hot drink. Yes, you read it right, a hot drink.
It is a healthy alternative (I guess) that warms the soul and heart .
So here it comes and I really hope you’ll enjoy it too.
PS: Since Halloween is approaching and if you are one of those like me that love to buy pumpkins, I am going to share a few recipes how to use leftover pumpkin
[lt_recipe name=”Autumn favorite pumpkin squash drink ” servings=”4 cups” prep_time=”5M” cook_time=”40M” total_time=”45M” difficulty=”Easy” print=”yes” image=”×200.jpg” ingredients=”250 gr butternut squash (or any other kind of yellow flesh pumpkin);1 can of evaporated milk ( you can substitute this with 200 ml regular milk but the flavour won’t be the same);300 ml whole fat milk;2 tbsp. brown sugar, more if you like it sweeter;1 tsp. cinnamon;¼ tsp. grounded clove;¼ tsp. grounded ginger;¼ tsp. grounded all spice;Sweetened heavy cream for topping;” ]Preheat the oven to 240◦ C;Cut the squash in small cubes and put it to a baking plate; Add 2 tablespoon water and cover with aluminum foil and bake until the pumpkin is tender, approx. 30 minutes. You can make this step even on weekends and store the pumpkin in the fridge;After the pumpkin is sweet and tender remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly;Add to the blender the pumpkin, spices, sugar and both milks until smooth;Transfer to a sauce pan, taking care to sieve the mixture in order to retain large chunks and reheat the pumpkin drink;Divide between 4 cups and top each cup with sweetened heavy cream; Add a dash of cinnamon and enjoy while still hot, perhaps with some pumpkin cookies too;[/lt_recipe]
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