Homemade pancake or waffle syrup

If you search for pancakes or waffles on the internet, you may notice that in almost each of them you’ll see maple syrup dripping everywhere. I had no idea what it tasted like until I bought a bottle of maple syrup. It took me while to decide to buy it because, let’s face it, it is a bit pricey and also it’s not a can’t-do-without-it item. Since I like to make everything from scratch (I know that it cannot substitute the real maple syrup in its nutritional values) I’ve decided to make homemade pancake syrup. It’s so easy and fast so you can’t have excuses not to try it yourself.

[lt_recipe name=”Homemade pancake or waffle syrup” servings=”200ml” cook_time=”5M” total_time=”5M” difficulty=”Easy” print=”yes” image=”https://bakemydayhappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/shurup-pancake-2.jpg” ingredients=”• ¾ cup brown sugar;• ¾ cup water;• 1 tbsp. malt extract (optional);” ]Put the sugar, water and malt extract (if using) in a small saucepan; Let it simmer on low heat for about 5-7 minutes until slightly thickened; Let the syrup cool down a bit and transfer it to a bottle (I used an emptied maple syrup bottle I had) and store it in the fridge; To serve, drizzle as you wish on top of pancakes, waffles or toasts.[/lt_recipe]


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