Goose with chard and chicken liver stuffing

Have you ever tried to make goose with stuffing? If not yet, this is the perfect time ☺

My goose was not fatty so I was careful not to dry her out during baking. I have basted with her juices every 30 minutes. The baking time for every bird (turkey, duck, chicken etc…) is 30 minutes per kg. My goose was 2.5kg so the baking time was around 2 hours.

[lt_recipe name=”Goose with chard and chicken liver stuffing” servings=”5-6 servings” prep_time=”10M” cook_time=”2H30M” total_time=”2H40M” difficulty=”Medium” print=”yes” image=”×1024.jpg” ingredients=”For the goose:;• a 2.5kg goose;• 100g butter;• Salt as needed;Stuffing:;• 2 store bought corn bread (not sweet);• 200gr chard (or spinach);• 3-4 cloves of garlic;• 300g chicken livers;• Dried mint;• 5-6 tbsp. Olive Oil;• ½ minced onion;” ];Preheat the oven to 200ºC; Place the goose over a roasting pan fitted with metallic wire. This will make sure that the goose will bake crisp from all sides and the juices to drop in the pan. Pour 2 glasses of water in the roasting pan. Coat the goose evenly with butter and salt; Bake in the preheated oven at 200ºC for 1.5 hours and for the remaining 0.5 hour lower the temperature to 180ºC;Make sure to baste the bird with the juices and if evaporated add some water; Place the chicken livers (not chopped) in a small baking tray, add olive oil, salt and bake until tender; In a large pan caramelise the onion and add the chard. Fry until tender and juicy and add the dried mint; After the chicken livers are nice and tender chop them and pour over the chard. Stir to combine; When the goose is baked through, remove from tray and cover with aluminium oil; While the goose rests, mix the corn bread with the liver-chard mixture and add some of the goose juices/gravy. Mix with your hands until combined and place it on a serving plate. Remove the aluminium foil from the goose and arrange on top of the stuffing and serve warm; ;[/lt_recipe]

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