So I am just saying it! I love pumpkin, period!
All the recipes made with pumpkins definitely are on my top list meals. As I’ve mentioned it here, when October approaches, I start thinking pumpkin
My family does not feel the same regarding pumpkins, but I do not give up that easily so eventually they’ll start loving it.
Lucky for me, pumpkin pie is one of their favourite desserts. Today I am proposing you to try out this Burned-top pumpkin pie. I have to say it turned out to be a mix between crème Brule and the pumpkin pie, so you should definitely try it.
[lt_recipe name=”Burned-top pumpkin pie” servings=”6-8 servings” prep_time=”15M” cook_time=”1H” total_time=”1H15M” difficulty=”Medium” print=”yes” image=”” ingredients=”Pastry: (recipe from Betty Crocker);• 1 1/3 cup flour;• 1/3 cup vegetable oil;• ¼ cup cold water;• a pinch of salt;;Pumpkin filling:;• 500gr butternut squash or any yellow pumpkin you prefer;• 1 can of evaporated milk;• 2 eggs;• ½ cup brown sugar + 2 tbsp. for the burned top;• 1 tsp. cinnamon;• ¼ tsp. grounded ginger;• a pinch of clove;• a pinch of salt;• whipped cream for topping;” ];Preheat the oven to 200ºC; Steam or boil the squash until soft and tender. Pass it through a sieve and press to release the excess water; While the pumpkin puree cools down, prepare the pastry; Mix together the flour, salt and vegetable oil, mix until just combined. Start by adding a tablespoon at a time of cold water to the dough. Stop adding water if the dough comes together. Cover with cellophane and let it sit for 5- 10 minutes; Then, roll or pat the dough into a disk of 0.5cm thick and line it in a pie plate and set aside; In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and brown sugar until pale yellow and foamy. Add the remaining ingredients and mix until combined; Pour the filling over the pastry and bake the pie in the bottom rack for about 20 minutes; Lower the heat to 180ºC and continue baking for an additional 40 minutes; Two minutes before finish, sprinkle the top of the pie with the brown sugar, set the oven to the grill setting and let it caramelize for max 2 minutes. You can use a blow torch instead and skip this step too; When the pie is properly cooled down, top it with the whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon ;;[/lt_recipe]
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