Loquats are a very strange fruit, when they’re in season and when the farmers harvest them when fully ripe they’re sweet and at the same time a subtle sourness that is very pleasable for the palate. But, when they’re not harvested when fully ripe (like the ones I’ve bought today), they’re more sour than sweet. Yes, exactly, I have bought two kilograms of sour loquats and I did not have any idea of what to do with them. I suppose that the best option would be making a cake (and the remaining I’ll prepare a jam, but this will be for another time). The cake turned out to be very tasty and I really suggest you to make it since it’s very easy.
[lt_recipe name=”Loquat Cake” servings=”6-8 persons” prep_time=”5M” cook_time=”35M” total_time=”40M” difficulty=”Easy” print=”yes” image=”https://bakemydayhappy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kek-me-nespulla-1.jpg” ingredients=”For the cake batter:;• 1 ¼ cup flour;• ½ cup sugar;• 2 eggs;• ¼ cup melted butter;• ¼ cup milk;• 1 ½ tsp. baking powder;For the loquats:;• 400 grams chopped loquats;• 2 tbsp. sugar;Streusel:;• 1 tbsp. flour;• 1 tbsp. sugar;• 1 tbsp. cold butter;” ]Preheat the oven to 220° C; Ina mixing bowl mix together the sugar with the chopped loquats and set aside; To prepare the streusel, mix with your fingers the flour, sugar and butter until coarse and set aside too; Start by making the cake batter, mix together the eggs and sugar until combined; Add the melted butter and mix; Pour the milk in and stir to combine; At last add the flour and the baking powder and mix the batter until smooth;Pour the batter in a spring form pan previously greased and floured and level with the back of the spoon; Top with the loquats taking care to add also their liquid; At last, top with the streusel mix covering all the surface; Bake the cake in the preheated oven for about 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean; Let the cake cool down before removing it from the pan and cut if for serving; [/lt_recipe]
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